Sony mylo: What’s the market for a $350 IM toy with no phone and wi-fi only Internet?

The buzz today is that Sony is ready to introduce the new $350 mylo (short for my life online), a wi-fi enabled "broadband communicator" that doesn't have a cell phone (hence, no cell carrier Internet access). While the lack of a phone avoids the relatively high monthly data plans from a cell carrier, it would

Sony mylo: What’s the market for a $350 IM toy with no phone and wi-fi only Internet? Read More »

Blackboard blogs a “message” of clarity to client “community”

Similar to the letter CEO Michael Chasen sent to EdTech Talk, a "message" to the client "community" was released on the Blackboard Blog today. Apparently, the crush of criticism by edubloggers is "creating confusion for many people" (and maybe an Excedrin sized headache for Blackboard?) In the "message" of clarity, Chasen notes that: "Some of

Blackboard blogs a “message” of clarity to client “community” Read More »