Mobile: Text Mark

This is cool! Now how to explain it . . . the best thing to do is go to the site ( and look at the nifty diagram they have concocted to explain it. In a nutshell, is an Internet based text messaging service where you set up a "message" that others can receive by texting the TextMark main number (41411) and the keyword you set up for your message. So, let's say you are a really cool high school girl's volleyball coach (for the Lady Eagles) and you want to make sure players, fans and parents are in the loop as to what is going on for the team that day. You could set up a keyword (like "eaglestoday") and provide a canned message with details about the team's activity for that day (like out of town game directions, time of practice, etc). Others would just text 41411 with "eaglestoday" in the message and get the daily update. Cool – huh, Britt?

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