iTunes Handles Podcast .pdf File Enclosers – Who Knew?

Playing around with iTunes podcasts today, I noticed that iTunes recognizes .pdf file enclosures in podcasts and allows you to add .pdf files to your iTunes Library. I guess this may be old news to some, but it was news to me. Cool idea for distributing class bulletins and notes, turning in assignments, responding to peer reviews, etc. I attached a .pdf file here just to test it out and I was able to download the .pdf file from within iTunes podcasts and then go back to it in the iTunes library for later viewing. I also double checked it on the Apple site and here is a list of iTunes supported file formats: .m4a, .mp3, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, and .pdf.

5 thoughts on “iTunes Handles Podcast .pdf File Enclosers – Who Knew?”

  1. It would be convenient if iTunes recognized PowerPoint as well, as other podcatchers like iPodder have done from the start. But Apple will likely not allow any Microsoft formats through anytime soon.

    1. Jennifer Maddrell
      True about the PowerPoint. I haven't tried it, but I understand that there are some products (like Camtasia) that will allow you to convert the PPT to a .mov file. Thank you for the follow up!

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