My latest used book arrived in the mail yesterday, Schon’s 1984 “The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action” 1st Edition. With Monica Tracey and John Baaki on our board at Designers for Learning, it was only a matter of time before I ordered this. They cite Schon’s work throughout their chapter titled, “Design, Designers, and Reflection-in-Action” in Hokanson and Gibbons (eds.), Design in Educational Technology book. I’ve barely cracked the book’s cover, but we’re using Monica and John’s article in my course this semester. Also, as with all of our Designers for Learning courses, reflection (both individual and with others in the experience) plays a significant part in the course’s learner engagement strategies. Do you have preferred reflection practices that you use in your classes or in your work?
Designed to Inspire
: musings about learning experience design and related things :