58:365 | Presentation Prep

As I mentioned yesterday, Jeff and I are preparing two conference presentations on accessibility for the IACEA conference next week and the COABE conference in April. I’ve immersed myself in the topic for the past several months, and today was no exception. From our early days at the Literacenter in 2017, we’ve sketched out many of our project ideas on a massive tube of white paper with Sharpie markers. We wish we could have an all whiteboard room, but this is a good alternative.
We’re at that inevitable spot of hand-wringing struggle. We’re the first to admit we aren’t accessibility experts, but we’re doing our homework to share relevant strategies and tools for adult educators. We don’t have years of hands-on experience, but we’ve accumulated valuable resources that will benefit attendees. We’ll now spend the remaining days fine-tuning our message.
As a sneak peek, here are some of the (many) tools we plan to present or demo:

1 thought on “58:365 | Presentation Prep”

  1. Pingback: 61:365 | Accessibility Resources – Designed to Inspire

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