122:365 | Wakelet

Nothing like a presentation on tools to support learning to prompt a deep dive into the latest and greatest! Tonight, I stumbled on Wakelet, a super simple way to curate and display online content (e.g., articles, videos, images, tweets, text, etc.) on a shareable board that they call a “collection”. In the 2 minutes I played with it, I was able to log in, add some content, and share this collection I curated. It also offers several different ways to easily share your creation on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Remind, and Google Classroom – or with a QR Code – see below.

Wakelet Collection of Educational Resources

I haven’t tried to play with it on a mobile device, but it was a good first 2 minutes. Since I’m trying to be more of a grownup, here is the legal stuff we all need to be better about reading.